Meet Gus.
He's my new little gecko friend that was hiding behind my couch yesterday. I had decided that I wanted to rearrange the furniture a little bit and pull the table further out so there was more space to sit at the table without feeling crammed against the wall. So as I was pulling the chair away from the wall, Gus ran across the floor. I screamed. I was pretty embarrassed that I had screamed and I was the only one home. Well, I trapped Gus under a bowl because I had originally intended to just put him back outside. I should have known that geckos were pretty fast! He slipped out from under the bowl AFTER I had slid the paper under it so I could flip it over. I screamed...again. Then trapped him...again. This time, I just left him under the bowl and fully intended on keeping him there until Dan got home so he could take care of it.
At this point, I'm seriously panicked...mostly because I didn't know what to do with Gus. I called Dan and of course he's out working so he didn't answer. So I called the next best source....the momma. She seriously laughed at me for probably a good 10 minutes. Alright, it wasn't really that long, but she laughed pretty hard. Then Jaynee came over and we watched the Bachelorette. Okay normally I don't watch those kinds of shows just because it's sooo much freaking drama and I get way too irritated at people being stupid, but I was bored...and now I'm hooked. So if any of you are watching it, seriously if she doesn't get over this Bentley thing, I might strangle her through the computer! He's a loser loser loser face.
Alright, off the Bachelorette rant. So after Jaynee and I watched 3 straight episodes, we called it quits for the evening and she helped me capture Gus. I wish we had had a video camera going because we had to have been quite the site for anyone that was watching. Not only were we laughing hysterically, like that nervous anxious laugh, but my heart was racing so fast!! We finally got the bowl flipped over and then just went straight outside. I didn't want Gus getting into my bedroom at all and I wasn't taking any chances. So jar and cup in had (just in case he tried to escape) Jaynee and I headed outside and placed the bowl on the picnic table. One fall to the ground and bounce later, we had Gus in the cup and then in the jar.
There he stayed until Dan got home. We considered keeping him and feeding him the fruit flies that we can never seem to kill but I was feeling pretty guilty last night. I mean if he was ever gonna make it in the gecko world, he should be outside at night where all the bugs are. So we set him free. It was a bit of a tearful moment as we watched our first little pet grow up and move on. Okay not really, but it was a happy little moment as he scuttled off into the bushes. He was probably as terrified as I was when I first found him in the house! Gus is now a free gecko though and I hope he always stays that way!
On a funnier note, this morning I was knocking on the bathroom door because I had to pee SUPER DUPER bad and Dan had locked the doors. Well I'm sitting there knocking and he comes around the corner and yells BOO! (toothbrush in mouth and everything-he was getting ready to leave for work). So naturally (and I say naturally like it was almost a self defense reflex) I punched him in the shoulder. Well I'm pretty sure I hit just the right spot and didn't realize how hard I'd thrown the punch because he just ran into our bedroom and sat on the floor and was laughing for a long time. But it was the laugh that you do when it hurts so bad but you just keep laughing instead of crying. Yeah he had a killer dead arm. I felt pretty bad. Actually I still feel really bad about it. So if it bruises or welts or anything, I'm for sure taking a picture and will post it! Go figure I've never been in a fight in my life and I can throw a pretty mean right hook. Poor baby. Still funny though. I'm chuckling just thinking about it.
Anyway, time to make some dinner. Fried rice :] So stinking excited!! Hopefully tomorrow there will be a grey's anatomy episode for me to watch too! Seriously, almost a whole month without the internet and STILL no new episodes! What the heck I'm dying!
Quote of the day...from Abbs:
"Not everyone takes what I say as easily as you do."
Miss you abbs!!
Oh my heck....I just realized there was no question of the day from Hannah Gunderson!! What is the world coming too?
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