Thursday, March 22, 2012

Positive thinking

Dan showed me this video the other night and it's definitely a must watch. Honestly, it's life changing. I've been thinking about it for a couple of days now and I've just been wanting to blog about it.

One of the things that really stuck out to me was that you should look at obligations as opportunities. Lately this one has stuck with me. I got pretty sick Sunday night and I've been literally out of commission for the last 2 days. Flu. Sucks. Brief overview of how this week has gone.

Sunday night start coughing, not too bad though.
Monday still coughing but definitely manageable; got to work, coughing continues, body aches start; went home from work early
Tuesday STILL coughing, pretty intense body aches, fever, mild but enough to make you sweat; did not go to work
Wednesday AWFUL!!! absolutely freaking awful. Fever, sweating, coughing, aching; definitely did not go to work; went to the doctor. They couldn't decide if it was viral or bacterial. Dan left for Idaho. My momma and family left for Arizona. I got a prescription for a Z pack (in case it's bacterial) and heavy duty cough syrup with codeine (in case it's viral). I stayed in bed all day and watched movies. Oh and I didn't even go to school.
Thursday so much better!! I went to work, slight slight coughing. Still taking my cough syrup drugness. And I went to work. I sound like a man, but I can actually talk and not hack up a lung or feel achy and sickly. 

Anyway, the point in going over all this was that I also had to take a nursing test this week. Tuesday specifically was the last day. Sucked. But then Dan reminded me about that video and how I need to look at it as an opportunity to take the test. That it's an opportunity to learn and grow. I really liked that and the whole idea of taking a positive spin on life. 

It has a couple of other things that are included in the video and as soon as I find it on youtube I'll post it.

I haven't blogged in forever, but life is so busy right now, I probably won't blog till we've moved to Denver. 

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