Monday, June 3, 2013

Bucket list

I have a bucket list going, and I'm sure there's a lot more things on the list than I've actually written down. Unfortunately, I suck at writing things like that down and then keeping track of the list! So my aunt Emalee told me she keeps a running list on a note in her phone. Genius! My phone is always with me and I rarely lose it.

But here's the start:

1. Run a 13.1.
2. Start a clinic in Africa
3. Then start a clinic in the Philippines

Small to start. But like I said, it's now in my phone so I'm sure it will be growing in the near future! And just so you can all be proud of me, I'm already taking steps towards the half marathon!! I am either going to run the SLC half in April, or the AF canyon half that's in June next year. I also started running 2 miles before I work out. Baby steps because I am definitely NOT YET a runner. I will be though, slowly but surely. My plan is to gradually add on another mile every 2-3 weeks (depending on which half I pick to run!).

Anyway, that's what's been going on in my life lately.

A few posts to look forward too:
-Nauvoo trip (longggggg over due! And it will probably come in parts)
-RS lessons the last 2 weeks (they have been DIVINELY inspired--at least for me!)
-Carthage trip (goes w/ Nauvoo but it definitely deserves a post all it's own)
-Funny things my cute brother says

That's all for now!!

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