Friday, November 30, 2012

My List of 22

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. My family was able to come up and we had Thanksgiving with my great grandma, and my grandparents. We also took family pictures (woot woot!). Needless to say, it was a great weekend, jam packed, but so relaxing and definitely the break I needed to power through the rest of the semester.

Anyway, I've seen everyone's posts on facebook everyday about some things they are grateful for. I had this thought that for Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, all that good stuff that I would take the time to reflect on the things I am truly grateful for. 

THANKSGIVING + GRATITUDE = the BEST holiday in the ENTIRE world
1. My husband: I'll try to keep this one simple, because I could dedicate an entire blog to the little things that he does each and every day to make me fall more and more in love with him. He's my rock, and my best friend, and I don't know what I would ever do without him, and what I ever did do without him. 
2. My family: Enough said. Without them, I would not be here today. I owe everything I am to them and everything they have ever given me. I will spend the rest of my life trying to show them how much I really do appreciate them and everything they have done for me.
3. My in-laws: I could not have asked for better in laws. Seriously, they are amazing. I have the two best sister in laws a girl could ask for, and I wish the three of us could take a little vacation together. We'd have a ball. I have a great brother in law, and the two cutest nephews IN THE ENTIRE world. 
4. My nephews: Well, they really are just the cutest thing in the entire world. Seriously, Kason is this little spit fire that I miss so so much. You never realize how much you love them, until they move some 3000 miles away. Thank goodness for Skype. And Camden, oh man he's just the cutest chubby baby, and has such a personality. Ahh I love them!
5. My education: I am so blessed to be able to pursue a career that I so desperately desire, and a career that would be able to provide for my family should the need arise. 
6. The school I attend: where I can learn the Healer's art and incorporate the gospel freely into my nursing practice. I'm so blessed to have the opportunity to take religion classes from teachers who have dedicated their lives to the study of them. I have learned so much about the scriptures and I come home with all this information and I just can't wait to share it with Dan as soon as I come home!
7. Dan's job: He loves his job, and it more than provides for us. It was the greatest blessing that he even got it in the first place, but the fact that he loves the people he works with and really enjoys being there every day is just an answer to so so many prayers.
8. Financial stability: Seriously, enough said. 
9. The holiday season: I love love love this time of year because I get to remember all the things I'm grateful for and especially remember my Savior. I love temple lights. I love Thanksgiving. I love Christmas music. I love Christmas trees. I love the idea of a "white Christmas." I love ornaments. I love tree lights. I love it all. 
10. The ward we live in: We had a pretty great ward when we lived in Provo, and I was afraid that anything else would pale in comparison. Fortunately, I was wrong. We have a fabulous ward, and a phenomenal bishop (who conveniently lives next door) and everything is just great.
11. The home we live in: We found it on KSL. It was perfect. We have awesome landlords and a cozy little place that we love. Seriously, I love it.
12. My health: I really don’t know what else to say. I am so grateful that I have great health and that I have been able to do everything I have ever wanted, and not be held back by my health.
13. My faith: I don’t know where I would be without it. Really. It is what gets me through the day, especially when the days are really really hard and I feel like I’m losing everything.
14. Our two functioning cars: This one is pretty self explanatory too. I am so grateful that we have cars, especially that work well enough to take us home, and on vacations. It was such a blessing to find the second one. HUGE blessing, and I’m so grateful that we were able to find it, and have the means to purchase it.
15. My friends in the nursing program: I really don’t know what I would without these lovely ladies. Seriously, I’m pretty sure that we keep each other sane, because one of us  has always got it together, and helps the rest of us that are freaking out to get control of it.
16. My two best friends: I am so grateful that I can call each of them at a moment’s notice and they are there. They listen, we gossip, we laugh, and I’m so incredibly grateful for the friendship and sisterhood we share together. I can’t wait for the day when we live in the same state again. It’ll be parties every other weekend!
17. My temple marriage: This means more than I will ever be able to express. I am so grateful that we were both worthy for us to be there. I’m so grateful for the blessing it has been in my life, and for all the blessings that we have been promised for being in the right place at the right time.
18. The scriptures: They provide so much comfort at the most unexpected times, and in the most unexpected places. I take them so much for granted, and I’m working on developing a better relationship with the scriptures.
19. The food on my table: I’m so grateful for the means to take care of our family, and for the food that sits on my table day in and day out. I can remember back when we were very first married (because it was SOOO long ago) and there was a time when it was hard to get food on that table. I look back on that, and I am so grateful for the blessings we have been provided with to make this simple gift possible.
20. Prayer: Provides so much peace, in this crazy crazy world. It allows me to communicate with my Heavenly Father, and express myself to the person who completely, and fully understands.
21. The Prophet: He gives so much direction and provides guidance in this crazy messed up world we live in, and he still offers so much wisdom. I’m so grateful that he is still so positive and happy. It helps me to remember to be happy.
22. My Savior: He is my rock, and my salvation. And I will never complete anything in this life worthwhile without His help, love, and guidance.

There's the grateful list that I've been wanting to write for quite some time now. 

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