Monday, November 15, 2010


From TUESDAY November 9th:
So last night...and THIS TIME it really was just last night, I was over at Dan's and I had the utmost intentions for starting my pharmacology homework. Well as anyone who has ever taken pharmacology from Mary Peters, it's a skanky little assignment which proves only to vex me to no end and to further my knowledge such an insignificant amount that's it's not even worth the effort it takes to complete the assignment for 25 measly points!!! So as you can probably guess, I didn't get much homework done.

Instead, we watched Gifted Hands. Super good movie. But before we watched it, Dan made a tuna fish sandwich and some hot chocolate. While he was making it, I made the comment that grilled tuna fish sandwiches are the best thing ever (hence, the inspiration for this post title). Seriously, one thing I miss the most at home is making grilled tuna fish sandwiches with the grated cheese, and you cook it just long enough that the tuna fish is hot and the cheese is all melted and deliciousness

Well, after making the comment about how it's the best thing ever, we just kept going back and forth about things that we love and are pretty much amazing. Hot chocolate, tuna fish sandwiches, hot apple crisp pie with a scoop of ice cream, cute little notes left and found randomly, laughing pictures--I don't know why, but I absolutely love pictures of people laughing. It's amazing. It's like capturing true happiness in a moment and holding onto it forever. 

Anyway, so the conversation continues and then we end up at a comment that Dan made: Farting after a date. Yeah, those words came out of his mouth. Seriously though, everyone has had it at one point or another, date stomach. It sucks a big one and it's the most uncomfortable/awkward pain ever. And you know that you can't just let the fart out! That's just embarrassing, so you hold it...and hold it...and hold it, which I'm sure in the long road is doing some sort of internal damage to your colon...that or seriously providing a work out for your anal sphincter. (Okay I'm an anatomy freak, I'll admit it).

Long story short, everyone agreed that farting after a date is seriously the best thing ever. Disgusting, but unfortunately (or fortunately, depending on how you look at it) the truth. 

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