Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Can I...uhhhh....get a jump?

So NEVER HAVE I EVER...and I mean EVER...
...been caught making out! Seriously I don't know if I'm just super careful or what but that one happened last night. AWKWARD!! So I was over at Dan's studying...yes I was actually studying...for anatomy. Well it got to be around 11 and I was exhausted and not getting anything out of reading my notes. Sad day. So I decided that it was high time I headed home. I walked out to my car and turned it on--it's FREEZING outside that late! You've gotta get the heater fired up so you don't freeze on the drive home! Well Dan runs and jumps into my car on the passenger side and climbs right in, shuts the door, and then just smiles at me. 

So we talked a little, laughed...because lets face it, everything is funny at 1130 at night. Listening to T Swift.
30 minutes later.... 
*knock on my driver side window* 
A: [awkward, startling moment] *roll down window* 
T: Can I uhhh get a jump? 
A: [what the HECK?!] Umm yeah, I don't have jumper cables
T: I do *walks away*
note: the kind of laughter when you realize this has just become a killer embarrassing moment, and I don't have very many of those, so this was big.
So I'm sitting in my car, still listening to T. Swift, and honestly shocked at the previous 2 minutes of my life. Hahaha. What makes it even better is that I'm pressing my face into the steering wheel because it's cold and facial hair hurts. 'Nuff said. So Dan tells me later that Taylor made a comment while getting the cables all hooked up, all the while with a HUGE grin on his face: Sorry for interrupting. 

AHHHHHH. I could die of embarrassment right then and there. Kill me now please so I don't ever have to see him again! Oh okay, enough with the dramatics. But really, I could've died I was so embarrassed. And all I could do was laugh. Oh and to make this story even better, EVERYONE KNOWS!! Naturally, Abbie knew right after it happened, because like a good roommate, I came home and woke her up and told her immediately. All of Dan's roommates know, and Olivia's whole apartment knows. Not that it's a crime or anything to kiss your boyfriend, but I seriously considered becoming Anne Frank for a week or so to let this one blow over. 
One last thing, totally unrelated topic. At church on Sunday, Debbie--yuck nasty--was point at me and laughing. I really came dang close to walking over and asking what in the heck her problem was. It was slightly ridiculous and quite comical because Abbie and I were just laughing that they were being so obvious, because she'd point over at me and then her friend would look over and they talk a little more and do it again. Oh man. Girls girls girls! Learn the art of keeping secrets and being quiet about them. It was so funny though because it dragged on for a good 5 minutes. So I guess in all reality I should be thanking her for providing me with some entertainment prior to taking the sacrament. 

Side note: the only reason this is so funny is because Debbie texted Dan the other day and said something along the lines of "why does everyone keep asking if we're dating?" VOMIT. I for one am insulted by this, and yes I realize I'm being rude and shallow, but if you knew Debbie, you would understand completely what I'm feeling. 
Funniest moment at probably 2 in the morning, and only Abbie can appreciate it:
"He probably thinks I'm after them!"

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