Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

It's been quite the eventful evening. Not really, but we've done a few things around the Haban home today. First of all, Dan was supposed to get off of work at 12 today, but due to some lovely shop lifters at Kmart, he actually didn't make it home till 2. That was a little bit of a bummer, but it was totally fine because he's usually not home till 5 or 6, especially this week. So I got to spend the entire afternoon with him!

I was reading this blog today, and I kind of love a lot. I can't find the link to it right now (dang it!) but it was just talking about curvy, plus size women and that we should embrace it and pretty much tell Hollywood to shove it. It's always nice to hear someone batting for those of us that are so blessed in this world with curves.

Oh and because of said blog, I watched the first couple episodes of a new TV show called Huge. I'm still not sure how I feel about, but it is pretty funny.

So back to Christmas Eve, I've been absolutely pining to open just one present! I think it would kill the anticipation a little bit. I think this is the first year in quite awhile that I haven't the slightest idea what any of my presents are. Especially for the last couple of years, I was the one that was helping my mom wrap presents all night, and that went shopping with her for the presents, so I usually knew what at least one of my presents were, which definitely bides away that anticipation so I slept just fine Christmas Eve. This year, I'm not quite sure I'll be able to sleep! Seriously, I might just wait till midnight, and open them all at 12:01 am...then sleep.

Dan doesn't agree with my idea. He says we have to wait for Santa to come...dang it.

Google Earth says Santa is in Kalamazoo Michigan right now. I think I want to live there just for the name! How legit would that be the write on return addresses.

Anyway, back the festivities.

We, and when I say we I mean Dan, made cinnamon rolls tonight! He's just a champ cook. We'll get fat because of his cooking. It's delicious!

They look so yummy! And I have to wait till the morning for those too!! Ugh this is the pits! However, we do have lots of yummy treats that are sitting around our cute little home. Most especially, cake balls! Red Velvet cake balls!!

I made them on Friday right before the family party we went to. Needless to say, they're delicious. And I keep eating them. They should really say that it's around Christmas you'll gain weight, not Thanksgiving.

So I was too cheap to buy wrapping paper...mostly because there's so many other things I'd rather get than wrapping paper. Dan and I thought it would be pretty funny to just wrap our gifts in ads. We have gotten tons of them lately, so that's what I did.

See! But Dan came home today with a roll of wrapping paper that they gave him at work. So since we have the wrapping paper, I decided it would be pretty lame that they're not in pretty wrapping paper like the ones we've gotten from our parents. I don't want them to feel like the black sheep in the family. So I just wrapped them in wrapping paper....over the ads. Haha.

And here's our  tree! We like to hang our stockings on the big deal.

I love it. And I'm insanely excited for tomorrow.

Merry Christmas everyone!!

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