Thursday, December 15, 2011

There's nothing quite like having your phone go off during a final to get your adrenaline going

Finals are over!!! I can't even begin to tell you how relieved I am that this semester is over. It has seriously kicked my butt.

Buttttt to stick with the topic, yes my phone was going off for the last 30 minutes of my test. After it happened the first time, I think I read the next question on my test 5 different times. I could not figure out what the heck it was saying or asking for that matter. I was so frazzled. Seriously, I probably should have walked out right there. I'm sure I would have gotten the same grade on the test.

Background: Yesterday I had set an alarm on my phone for 2:30 pm so I would wake up and get ready to pick Dan up from work and make it to my dr. appointment. Well....I forgot to disable the alarm for today.

So back to the test: it was already an awful experience because it was in the JSB, and if any of you have ever had to take a test there, it's horrendous! You're sitting in these narrow sits with the small little desk that folds over halfway across your lap. So you end up hunching over your scantron, with your test in one hand, and a pencil in the other. Your back starts cramping because you're sitting in the crappiest position ever. Yeah not cool.

To top it off, the first 30 matching questions....yeah I wanted to die because I didn't remember any of the information. I think that has proved to be my greatest frustration this semester, because the tests for this class just never make sense!'s over. I got a 60% on the final, but it's over. And I didn't fail. So hopefully that won't take my grade to a C. I'd be pissed....but it's my fault. I didn't study.

So I'm eating pumpkin pie for comfort food. Don't judge.

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