Friday, December 16, 2011

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

And finally feeling like Christmas too. I swear, school sucks it all right out of you. It was so nice to get up this morning, make some breakfast for Dan before he went to work, and then clean up the house. I got to run errands, hit up the gym, and come home without having to worry about homework, or any tests. AWESOME!

To top it all off, it started snowing this morning. Just lightly, but it was so wonderful! I think more is on its way, because the clouds are so low that you can barely see the Y on the mountain!

Anyway, I'm very much loving just being a wife least for the next couple of weeks. It's so wonderful not having to play the student, then the wife (and more often than not, in that order). It's nice to just breathe again.

Hopefully my brain has enough time to rest....because come January, nursing school is going down! Definitely gonna rock that! So excited!!

I hope everyone's enjoying their holiday season!!

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